September is Library Card Sign-up Month.
Let's celebrate it with something special! Sign up for a new library card this month and receive a collector's edition Alhambra Library Card!
Already a cardholder? Swing by, fill out a brief questionnaire, and pick up a special gift as a thank you for your support.
Library Card Sign-up Month began in 1987 as an American Library Association (ALA) national campaign to emphasize the importance of library cards to a child’s education and to combat illiteracy. The first campaign with the theme "The Best Gift You'll Ever Give Your Child ... A Library Card" was presented as a collaboration between ALA and the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS) with a grant of $85,000 from the Reader’s Digest Foundation.
Don’t miss out—come visit us today and start discovering all the great things the Alhambra Library has to offer!